Geoff Goodfellow: Nice first try
Tuesday November 22nd 2005, 4:39 am Category: Nokia 770 links

Geoff Goodfellow, founder of RadioMail says Nokia 770 is a nice first try:

i do not buy or use devices that require the use of a stylus to say, scroll the screen down… that immediately makes/requires a device to be a “two handed” device and that’s a show stopper for me. palm/handspring learned that lesson with the treo before they added keypad functionality.

Surfing wireless Internet without access point
Saturday November 19th 2005, 2:45 am Category: Nokia 770 news, Nokia 770 links

Frequently you’re at a place, like hotel or work, where the wireless Internet is not present, but the wired hookup is there. Can you use your laptop as a wireless router and get Nokia 770 to connect to it, and access the Web? Here’s a simple trick that allows one to do that, coming from an apparently new blog on Nokia 770.

Dominique Bonte on integrated vs. component models
Wednesday November 16th 2005, 6:47 am Category: Nokia 770 links

Dominique Bonte, who comments here every once in a while, posted his view of how the mobile world is changing:

The first model addresses the (slightly older, slightly less IT-knowledgeable) mobile professional who needs to be fully connected all of the time but who uses his mobile device for important but rather small/punctual events (reading or sending e-mails, looking up specific information on the web, using GPS-location to find destination,…).Ease of use is of major importance: no time can be lost in setting up or connecting devices. Performance and capabilities are balanced against integration and ease of use.

The second model is more targeted towards a younger, more consumer and family oriented target group, arguably less well defined than the first target group. This second target group has a much larger and deeper set of needs. Mobile multimedia entertainment is key: high quality imaging, video, music and gaming on the go. At home internet browsing has to be a transparent experience (large screen required). Large amounts of text input for e-mail, chatting, blogging require a full sized keyboard. According to these different modes of use either only the smartphone will be taken, or the smartphone in combination with the tablet, or only the tablet, or the tablet and the keyboard depending on the degree of mobility needed, the tasks to be executed or the comunications networks available. Customisation is key. Performance and capabilities come before anything else.

Getting $50 discount on
Wednesday November 16th 2005, 12:37 am Category: Nokia 770 links

TeeSee is the man for posting the tip here.

Go to and add Nokia 770 to your cart. When prompted for log in, either log in, or create a new account and then move on. Turn off any popu blocker you have. That would include Google Toolbar, Yahoo! Toolbar, MSN Toolbar, A9 Toolbar or whatever, since all of them include some kind of popup-blocking functionality. In fact, turn off your toolbars and clear out IE cache. Go to the checkout page where you are prompted for the credit card information, and then close the browser.

Oh, yeah, and use IE or some other popup-friendly browser, since Firefox fights popups to death, and sometimes you won’t know what killed it. Don’t have Microsoft Internet Explorer? Get it here (can’t believe I am writing this).

A little pop up window will appear admonishing you to stick with Nokia for a complimentary $50 off coupon for this order. Two buttons - No thanks and Checkout. At this point you know what to do. The $50 off coupon code shows up in your basket, so the total price is reduced by $50, and sales tax (if applicable) applies to $319.99. Happy purchasing.

Update: See Scott’s comment below on what to do when the coupon doesn’t show up.

Forbes magazine write-up on Nokia 770
Wednesday November 16th 2005, 12:16 am Category: Nokia 770 links

Forbes magazine:

Though the Nokia 770 mini-tablet combines a unique set of features that includes a bright screen and easy wireless Web and e-mail access, the device cannot make calls like a cell phone, a serious flaw for many consumers, and a worrisome choice to analysts concerned that that Nokia is ignoring its core business.

Movies on Nokia 770
Tuesday November 15th 2005, 6:31 am Category: Nokia 770 links Movies on N770

Sharing Internet connection with Nokia 770 over Bluetooth
Tuesday November 15th 2005, 2:48 am Category: Nokia 770 links


You need to have your bluetooth stick working first. Gentoo users should read the first parts of the host to host bluetooth howto, other distro’s should consult the proper information on the community forums/wiki. (Don’t scan for other devices yet, just setup your kernel and BlueZ.)

New game for 770: Nako
Saturday November 12th 2005, 7:50 am Category: Nokia 770 links

New addition to the Nokia 770 games compendium: Nako“>Nako

Johan Paul on Nokia 770
Saturday November 12th 2005, 6:46 am Category: Nokia 770 links, Nokia 770 development

Johan Paul, a lucky owner of a 770 (through a developer program) wrote in to introduce his blog on 770.

Heh, today I browsed the web while waiting for the bus. Yes, at the bus stop in the center of Turku :) Interesting to see how many open WLAN networks there are and I think I accessed the web via a WLAN offered by a restaurant for the customers.