Business Week and Associated Press are both reporting on Sony launching a WiFi tablet.
The Sony mylo, slated for availability in September at a retail price of about $350, is a first-of-its-kind product that uses Wi-Fi networks, analysts say. It is not a cellular phone and thus doesn’t carry monthly service fees. And though it could handle Web-based e-mail services, it doesn’t support corporate e-mail programs.
good, competition is great. maybe that’ll force nokia to stop treating us 770 users like sh*t.
Comment by Edd 08.08.06 @ 12:59 pmIts screen is a 320 by 240 pixel 2.4-inch LCD? Surely you jest! Seriously, though how can they claim to be the first to make a wifi enabled device that isn’t a phone? There were many before it.
Does anyone know what the os is? I can’t find it anywhere. I’m thinking it has to be windows based or skype couldn’t have written a client so fast and because sony would never use linux.
Comment by Brad Pitcher 08.08.06 @ 1:38 pmIt seems that wifi will be 802.11b, not g… according to [fr]
Comment by yarod 08.08.06 @ 3:56 pm“retail price of about $350, is a first-of-its-kind product that uses Wi-Fi networks”
A first-of-its-kind product? Well, I’ve been using such a product since it came out at the end of last year! Anyway, looks like the first direct competitor to the Nokia 770. I wonder what OS it runs - hopefully it’s Linux…
I hope it’s Linux too, even though that wouldn’t be enough of a plus to make it a decent product. The 320 wide screen is the end-all damning factor here. I heart my 770.
Comment by Finite 08.09.06 @ 4:09 amHey if it doesnt suffer from the white screen of death, I might be all over this.
I mean c’mon Nokia, I’ve now sent back 2 770’s for the same issue.
Comment by Jaykay 08.09.06 @ 9:13 pmIt is annoying that they push it as the first. But from what i’ve heard from developers friends here in Seattle it will be some weird sony hybrid OS. Full of sony proprietary codecs etc. It will also have DRM and be 802.11b. But I agree with what some are saying, the competition will be good for Nokia and it should pull their head out of the development sand.
Comment by Chachi 08.10.06 @ 3:55 amdid you ever try to connect a non tactil screen device to the internet ? its called a PSP and its a pain in the where youy know to use it. totally useless IMO.
Mylo will be probably yet an other beautiful but closed OS tablet and “not as easy to use” super MP3 video player.
To launch a mobile device without a tactil screen is as stupid as trying to empty a lake with a spoon.
Why don’t they just extend the Internet capabilities of the $250 PSP instead?
Comment by john 08.24.06 @ 6:22 amI recon its just a PSP in a different cover, Prolly uses the same little Unix as the psp.
Does not look like it has a touch screen… Pritty damn annoying looking device. I hope like hell they don’t use the same web browser that was supplyed with the PSP that thing was slow and tiresome.
Hence the reason I own a nokia 770.
Comment by Paul 09.04.06 @ 9:32 amcouple things:
-the mylo has some wierd os like the psp
-the psp does have internet capabilities now
-the screen of the mylo is a piece of horrible
-same price as the 770 practically
-doesnt have AIM, only like yahoo talk or somethin nobody uses like that
-no bluetooth
the only reason i would get it is for the keyboard… if it just had a few more features to it i would get it but sony clearly didnt do there reaserch…
Comment by alex 09.11.06 @ 3:48 amoh one more thing. would work on the mylo?
Comment by alex 09.12.06 @ 7:19 am