Nokia 770 :: Another possible application for 770 - television
Another possible application for 770 - television
Sunday June 05th 2005, 12:27 am Category: Unrelated news

It’s pretty obvious that one can watch television on the Nokia 770 Internet tablet, and if one were to spend $70 on TurboLinux 10F with licensed Windows Media support for Linux, you can get the WMV files to play. However, this one is different. Sharp is making a television set (15′’, so it’s unlikely to be a big hit) that consists of WiFi transmitter and the monitor itself.

The Wireless AQUOS uses Sharp’s SmartLink wireless digital audio video transmission system. The theory is that you connect the transmitter to something like your DVD player, then watch the show from anywhere in the house. The transmitter uses the 2.4 GHz band and operates under the Wi-Fi standard of 802.11 b. The transmitter is about the size of a small VCR and you plug your cable and components into it. Then you can take the monitor for a walk and watch TV.

However, unless Sharp uses an encrypted signal and they’re not willing to talk about the specifics, the beauty of this product is ability to use a WiFi TV signal on any one of your wireless devices, including, of course, Internet tablets. It’s not quite obvious from the article whether the wireless transmitter is capable of receiving several television channels simultaneously and broadcasting them on different WiFi channels (without clogging up the home network, if one exists), but ability for each member of the family to watch their own channel on a wireless tablet is pretty impressive.

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