Russell Beattie: it’s not for daily use
Tuesday December 13th 2005, 5:43 am Category: Nokia 770 reviews

Yahoo!’s Russell Beattie is a proud owner of a Nokia 770, and after the euphoria of getting new device is gone, he confesses:

Personally, after a few weeks of fascination, I haven’t used the 770 much because it simply lacks a killer app. It’s so cool to play with and has tons of potential, but I (like everyone else) would need a very compelling reason to use this device daily. The on-board apps (web, email, etc.) are just the basics, not a killer app. That’s where I think Silicon Valley should really step up and embrace this device so it doesn’t go away. Really, the 770 is a gift from Nokia to the Valley, with a big bow on top.

1 Comment so far

As far as I can see, the 770 is for developer and early adopters only. Maemo still has bugs and issues to fix which is natural since it is a brand new OS.
This is not a bad thing though. Nokia can’t compete with Pocket PC or Palm right now but will most likely do so in the future. Right now they need to get more developers interested and get feedback on what’s good and bad. I think in a about a year or less they might have a big mainstream push.

Comment by Amano 12.13.05 @ 6:11 am
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