Phone center - still says they no nothing “were think very soon …. maybe in the next few weeks”
Try emptying your cache - you should see a link that brings you to the order page!!
Comment by N2 11.15.05 @ 5:51 amIt says Not In Stock till 17 November
I had a similar problem. I think it had something to do with the FireFox browser cache (?) I opened it in IE (which I never use — and so wouldn’t have cached the pages) and I got the order form.
I ordered mine, but I’m not sure what that means. It says it won’t be available until Nov 17th. The email confirmation says “Backordered”. So, I might get one someday
Comment by Tim 11.15.05 @ 6:05 amI ordered mine, also got the November 17th msg. We got em for $65 cheaper than the UK! I can’t wait…
Comment by John 11.15.05 @ 6:23 amStill doesn’t like me even after clearing the Firefox cache and trying to use IE. Actually I am not sure I will be able to order one anyway since I am outside the U.S. When people buy online do you have to pay sales tax? I don’t know how that works up there in the U.S.
Comment by Simon 11.15.05 @ 6:40 amI enteredy my order fine, but I had to call them up because I mistyped the address. The woman I spoke to said she wouldn’t delete my order, but that putting it on sale was a mistake, and it probably will not be available on the 17th, at which time they’ll delete all of the orders.
Hopefully she didn’t know what she was talking about.
Comment by Ben Sarsgard 11.15.05 @ 7:11 amOuch, and I just got the following in my inbox:
Dear Benjamin I Sarsgard
Thank you for your recent online purchase at
Unfortunately, we have not been able to complete your order# xxxxxxxx ,and ask that you please call the NokiaUSA Customer Care department at 1- within 72 hours or your order will be canceled.
Once the information is corrected, we can process your order.
Backordered: 1 @ 359.99
Thank you,
Customer Care at
Try using RPCOUP as a discount code for $10 off - not sure if its one time or requires a previous order over $50 but try it
I had ordered using Firefox running on Debian stable. It’s on backorder. The website is OK.
Comment by Derrick 11.15.05 @ 9:10 amBe sure to turn off any popup blocker on, because special offers may popup if you interrupt your checkout…
Comment by I am Jack's screen name 11.15.05 @ 9:27 amyep, ordered one too.
A week or so ago I placed a phone order for a 770. Out of curiousity, the next day I called and they said the order was cancelled because they were not in stock. No notice, no email, no notification. The phone rep said their system was NOT capable of doing back orders. NICE WORK NOKIA! Alienate the people buying the product!
TODAY (same day I just placed the web order) I received a call confirming that the phone order was cancelled and the rep told me that they CANCELLED my order because they were not in stock (same story I found out on my own).
All I can say is if my web order is cancelled, there is going to be some serious h_ll to pay.
Comment by WirelessDJ 11.15.05 @ 9:46 amThank you CAntona, for that code. It saved me $10, enough to partially offset the 5% sales tax . Now I just have to wait for the shipment.
Arghhh! I can get to the site now from home. I can’t get one though. They won’t ship to non US addresses which is fine. I can get it shipped to my companies office there. But I can’t use my credit card since you have to have a US card since you need a state and Zip code. Bugger. Have to get a friend in the US to send me one and pay him back. You want to be an early adaptor and they don’t make it easy for you
Will the 1GB Sandisk RS-MMC card work with this? On Amazon there’s a review complaining about incompatible voltage between that card and his Nokia phone. The 770’s manual says it’ll take dual voltage or 3.0 volt cards, but (surprise, surprise!) I can’t find out what the voltage of the 1GB Sandisk card is.
Any help appreciated
The funny thing is that I signed up for the 770’s “email updates” a month or so ago. Today I ordered one online, but I’ve enevr gotten an email from them. How silly is that?
Comment by Tim 11.15.05 @ 12:26 pmWell, the good news is that I re-ordered it an got the $50 off. The bad news is that I had to cancel my original order and so I’ve probably dropped back in the queue
I hope they get a big shipment in on the 17th!
Comment by Tim 11.15.05 @ 8:16 pmI just tested that coupon code (SC09COUP) with no success. I figured that for the extra $40, I’d jump through the needed hoops and cancel my existing order. But unfortunately, I get the message:
“The e-coupon you have entered is not a valid coupon ID”
So, for now, I’ll stick with my current order. If any other coupons come through, please put them up here
I just got that to work
Actually, just putting in that code didn’t work for me, but after clearing the cache files, turning off my popup blocker, and putting the item into my cart, and closing the browser window WITHOUT CHECKING OUT, a pop up message appeared for about 2 seconds, with that offer. (I had to do this twice, as the message didn’t stay up long enough for me to read it through the first time). Clicking on the green “CHECKOUT” button on that popup brought me back to the order page, and with the coupon code inserted.
It seems to have worked for me. Now I just have to cancel my previous order
Good luck.
Comment by TeeSee 11.15.05 @ 9:51 pmThanks for the $50 off - Hopefully the wait for cancelling and reordering will be worth it
Just ordered mine, got a confirmation. Thanks for the coupon code (SC09COUP)
Mine’s on backorder!
I’ll have to see what other fun little toy’s I can get for it. (bluetooth related, more memory, etc)
I’m psyched!!!
Comment by Fuslit 11.15.05 @ 11:56 pmI just called NokiaUSA from CANADA. They would NOT ship it here, and do not know when there would be a rollout to other parts of the world either…
Comment by Mark 11.16.05 @ 10:53 pmI ordered one on the 15th of November, my order went to “Open Order”, now a rep tells me that they have NOT shipped any units in the U.S. and they HOPE to fill my order in the next two weeks?
with IE, Going to the checkout page and using the back button WHILE pressing the CTRL-SHIFT keys enabled the $50 discount pop-up for me. I had already disabled Google and Norton toolbars, but I still heard the beep sound of a pop-up being block, until I used CRTL-SHIFT…
BTW, I says it’s backordered till 12/14.
Comment by Bud Olivares 12.03.05 @ 1:44 amMy local Compusa has 20 of these tablets….NOKIA SHAME ON YOU..SELLING ONLINE FOR $309 AFTER COUPON…NO WAIT, DON’T FILL THOSE ONLINE ORDERS!! WE CAN SELL ‘UM AT COMP USA FOR $399…SHAME ON NOKIA!
Comment by Bud Olivares 12.05.05 @ 1:43 amBud, do you honestly think that CompUSA would commit to selling the devices without some sort of guaranteed volume? The nokians underestimated the demand, and they are committed to fulfilling their partner contracts before their own sales. Nokia is probably making less on the sales to them than on the web sales at $309.
Comment by ghomebrewski 01.10.06 @ 11:08 pm